Online Resources

Displaying 151 - 175 of 245

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/10/23 The Christmas Jesus Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Christmas_Jesus_-_Warren_King.mp3 AM_Dec10_The_Christmas_Jesus.pdf
12/10/23 Saved Like the Thief Sam Bunyard Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-12-10_Saved_Like_the_Thief.mp3
12/03/23 What Money Cannot Buy Warren King Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-12-03_What_Money_Cannot_Buy.mp3
12/03/23 Destiny: Chance or Choice? Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Destiny_-_Chance_or_Choice_-_Warren_King.mp3 AM_Dec03_Destiny_-_Chance_or_Choice.pdf
11/26/23 Nov 2023 Q&A Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Nov_2023_QA_-_Warren_King_-_11--26-23.mp3
11/26/23 Claims of Jesus Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Claims_of_Jesus_-_Warren_King_-_11-26-23.mp3
11/26/23 The Meaning in Marriage Sam Bunyard Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-11-26_The_Meaning_in_Marriage.mp3
11/19/23 True Religion Sam Bunyard Sermon N/A Sun PM True_Religion_-_Sam_Bunyard_-_11-19-23.mp3
11/19/23 Imputed Righteousness Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Imputed_Righteousness_-_Warren_King_11-19-23.mp3
11/19/23 Sacrificing Like Jesus Warren King Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-11_Sacrificing_Like_Jesus.mp3
11/12/23 Saved Like the Thief on the Cross Sam Bunyard Sermon N/A Sun PM Saved_Like_the_Theif_on_the_Cross_-_Sam_Bunyard_-_11-12-23.mp3
11/12/23 Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Stumbling_Block_or_Stepping_Stone_-_Warren_King_-_11-12-23.mp3
11/12/23 A Biblical Worldview Sam Bunyard Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-11-12_Biblical_Worldview.mp3
11/05/23 The Meaning in Marriage Sam Bunyard Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Meaning_in_Marriage_-_Sam_Bunyard.mp3
11/05/23 The Process of Repentance Warren King Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-11-05_Process_of_Repentance.mp3
10/29/23 October 2023 - Q & A Sam Bunyard & Warren King Sermon N/A Sun PM QandA-Oct2023_-_Sam_and_Warren.mp3
10/29/23 Justification - Getting Our Part Right Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Justification_-_Getting_Our_Part_Right_-_Warren_King_-_10-29-23.mp3 AM_Oct29_Justification_-__Getting_Our_Part_Right.pdf
10/29/23 Pharoah's Heart Sam Bunyard Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-10-29_Pharoahs_Heart.mp3
10/22/23 A World Without God Sam Bunyard Sermon N/A Sun PM A_World_Without_God_-_2.pdf A_World_Without_God_-_Sam_Bunyard_-_10-22-23.mp3
10/22/23 Messianic Prepositions Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM Messianic_Prepositions_-_Warren_King_-_10-22-23.mp3 AM_Oct22_Messianic_Prepositions.pdf
10/22/23 God's Word is Sufficient Warren King Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-10-22_Gods_Word_is_Sufficient.mp3
10/15/23 The Bright and Morning Star Ken Parker Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Bright_and_Morning_Star_-_Ken_Parker_-_10-15-23.mp3 Bright_and_Morning_Star_Autosaved.pdf
10/15/23 The Middle East & The People of God Warren King Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Middle_East__The_People_of_God_-_Warren_King_10-15-23.mp3 AM_Oct15_The_Middle_East_and_the_People_of_God.pdf
10/15/23 Spiritual Religion Sam Bunyard Radio Program - The Bible Speaks N/A The Bible Speaks 2023-10-15_Spiritual_Religion.mp3
10/08/23 Abraham Believed God Sam Bunyard Sermon N/A Sun PM Abraham_Believed_God.pdf Abraham_Believed_God_-_Sam_Bunyard_-_10-8-23.mp3

Displaying 151 - 175 of 245

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A smart person knows what to say, but a wise person knows whether to say it.